Non EU Student non eu students hero 1

Optimally prepared
for a new chapter

On the
safe side

Non-EU student

We want to make your student life as convenient and pleasant as possible. Therefore, we have compiled an overview of the most important documents, insurance policies and accounts that you will need for your move to Germany, Austria, the Netherlands or the Czech Republic. Are you  missing something? Check out our partner’s onboarding package!

community illustration of two people giving high five

The most important
at a glance


Visa/residence permit

A visa is a confirmation that entry, transit or stay in another country is allowed. Usually, the visa is entered in the passport.

More information about visa:

Certificate of enrollment

The certificate of enrollment is the proof that you are enrolled at a university. You will receive the certificate automatically with the acceptance for your student place. By the way, you can present it (in addition to your student ID) in many institutions to benefit from discounts – for example in museums, theatres, exhibitions or other performance venues.

Alternatively, proof of internship or education will also be accepted.

Health insurance

You will need proof that you are covered by health insurance in your home country. You can obtain this from your health insurance company on request. In the case that you do not yet have health insurance, check out the offerings of our partner expatrio. This organization offers insurance products and accounts specifically for non-EU students.

Bank account in the country

As soon as you live in Germany, Austria, the Netherlands or the Czech Republic for several months and even earn money here, you will have to open a bank account at a bank located in the respective country. You can do this online or directly at the bank. Here you can inform yourself about the different options and accounts.

Blocked account

A blocked account serves as proof that you have enough funds to live abroad for a certain period of time. There should be a certain amount of money on this account, corresponding to the cost of living for the period of time you plan to spend abroad. The account, however, is blocked, i.e. the money cannot be withdrawn – like a pledge or a deposit. Our partner expatrio offers low-cost account packages for students from non-EU countries.

Liability insurance

The liability insurance covers you against various accident damages. Usually, this insurance costs only a few euros per month. At expatrio you can easily and quickly take out an insurance policy online.

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The expatrio onboarding package

The following is included in expatrio’s all-inclusive carefree package:
– Blocked account (approved by the German Foreign Office)
– Free DR-WALTER Incoming Travel Insurance
– Statutory health insurance of Techniker Krankenkasse
– Free current account with Mastercard valid worldwide
– Free insurance package for private liability and valuables
– Free International Student Identity Card (ISIC) (150,000 benefits in over 130 countries)
Book here

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